7 times you should never take a photo of your watch – Updated

Editor’s note: This one’s an oldie but a goodie by Luke that stuck in my, and many other reader’s heads. Whenever I see people at a wedding sneaking off for a wristshot, I think of it. And I’ve recently seen a couple of fresh examples that I’ve added here. So we’ll consider it a rolling list that we can update for the times.   Let’s get this straight at the outset: you should go easy on the watch shots full-stop. As normal as it might be among your watch loving pals, standing in the middle of a casino, trying to frame up your watch and the Singapore Slipper in your hand just so, with enough DOF to show where you are is a weird look. And potentially an invitation to get mugged if the watch you’re drawing attention to is any good. But there are scenarios where it’s not just foolish, but expressly forbidden. Doing anything dangerous Walking the tightrope. Riding a motorcycle. Going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. These are activities that require every iota of mental and physical focus — there’s minimal room for human error. We understand that you bought this rugged sports watch to reflect your inner…

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5 years ago