Hands-On: The Oak & Oscar Sandford GMT

When assessing a watch, too often we make judgments based on the name on the dial, ignoring other aspects that make it interesting or give it value. And while sometimes the brand name translates into resale value, prestige, or collectibility, focusing solely on the signature can do injustice to a watch’s more substantive value. This is often seen with the so called “micro brands” or “boutique brands,” which polarize watch enthusiasts. Some people ignore the name and admire (or even buy) a watch because they like what the watch offers in terms of design, features, or emotional value, while others reject it outright because it doesn’t say “Rolex” or even “Longines” on the dial. Still, others actively choose to buy from these small companies as an act of defiance or to support the little guy. Whichever camp you fall in, set aside preconceived notions of brand importance for the length of this article while we consider the latest offering from Oak & Oscar, the Sandford.

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8 years ago