The Petrolhead Corner – Two of the Greatest Le Mans Rivals up for Auction

Rivalries… the battle between two people, two teams or manufacturers, two nations even. They have been part of racing since the very first one. Heck, they even say that the first motor race was held when the second car ever was built. Throughout the many decades of racing since the dawn of the car, there […]

The Petrolhead Corner – 55 Years After Its Debut As A Concept Car, The Bertone Runabout Enters Production

Few design institutions have left such a lasting mark on automotive design than Bertone. Just going through the studio’s palmares reveals some absolute masterpieces. The Alfa Romeo B.A.T. series, the Lamborghini Marzal, and the Lancia Stratos Zero, for instance. And those are just design studies, concept cars that would influence production cars further down the […]

2 months ago