Could your watch give you COVID? Expert reveals why your timepiece could increase your chances of infection and how to stop it

COVID watch infectionYou’re washing your hands multiple times a day. You’re trying to social distance wherever possible. You’re taking such precautions in order to minimise the potential spread of COVID-19. But what are you doing about your watch? Think about it for a second. Your watch accompanies you practically everywhere, it’s in direct physical contact with your body and the outside world and you rarely wash it (if ever). It’s therefore never going to be an entirely sterile object. That was emphatically demonstrated by a February study when the Department of Biological Sciences at Florida Atlantic University swabbed 20 watches for germs. Four of the watches were found to have E. coli on them while nine watches harboured staph. None of which is particularly savoury. But in the middle of a global pandemic the stakes have got significantly higher. After all, research published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that microbes of coronavirus can linger for up to 72 hours on stainless steel surfaces. So could the watch that’s glinting on your wrist right now potentially be carrying the virus? That’s the question Time+Tide put to Dr Lotti Tajouri, Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Bond University and one of…

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5 years ago