EDITOR’S PICK: 15 exceptional watches from the Omega Museum

Editors note: At the moment, the Time+Tide team members whose names don’t begin with ‘A’ and end with ‘ndrew McUtchen’ are pretty jelly of Andrew McUtchen, who is, as we speak, ensconced in the bosom of Omega’s home turf, to celebrate an incredible (and incredibly rare reissue of Omega’s first ever chronograph — the handsome looking fella below). We’ll have to wait for Andrew to tell us the whole tale, but until then, feast your eyes on these pretties … We’ve told you about The Night of Omega Firsts. You’ve seen the video of Omega Museum manager Petros Protopapas in action. We’ve run out of superlatives to describe the experience. The only thing that remains now is to show you all of Omega’s ‘Firsts’ in gorgeous detail, and to trace a journey of more than 100 years. A story that begins in 1894. 1894: The first Omega – the Cal. 19 The watch, or rather the movement, that started it all. In 1894 the Omega calibre was launched, and so accurate, so successful was this movement that in 1903 the company adopted the moniker for the company name, and the Omega Watch Company we know today was born. 1915: Omega’s…

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