EDITOR’S PICK: How to wear two-tone (and not look like Gordon Gekko)

Editor’s note: Ah, two-tone, for when one tone isn’t enough. Steel and gold is a combination that certainly enjoys the vicissitudes of fashion, and it’s clear that it’s having something of a moment right now. But how to wear it, that’s the tricky bit. Read on for our horological, sartorial stylings …  Now, if you’ve watched my review of the Tudor S&G you’ll know that I’m #team2tone all the way, but the thing is, I don’t *really* know how to wear it. I mean, I think I’d be OK in more formal settings — just pair it with a suit and away you go, but in every other part of my life — not so sure. I’ve got two-tone anxiety, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Because, much as we’re all aware that the mix of precious and plain metals is, once again, en vogue, our awareness of it, and how to wear it, is still stuck in the 1980s. So I thought it was time to bring in the big guns, in the form of David Meagher. David, aside from being editor of The Australian’s WISH magazine, is a bastion of good taste and a sartorial safe…

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5 years ago