EVENT: Hublot loves Tim Cahill – the veteran Socceroo has just become a friend of the brand

It was always going to be a tough ask, Australia taking on the powerhouse French team. And in the end the 2-1 score proved the point, but didn’t tell the whole tale. Before we return to the game, let’s take a step back and ask the (very valid) question: Why is Time+Tide talking about the World Cup? Well, there are two answers. A: everyone is, and B: Hublot. It was an invitation from Hublot that found me sipping an Old Fashioned high above the Sydney skyline while I kicked footballs — in perhaps the most un-World Cup worthy manner ever seen — into a neon Hublot Loves Football goal, on the balcony of The Ivy’s Penthouse. As the minutes ticked down to kick-off time, I shouldered my way through the pack near the screens (clearly, Hublot’s party was one of the hotter tickets in town) to secure a prime position. But first, a surprise. Joel Ruiz, Hublot’s Brand Manager (a man who, commendably, made no bones about his hopes for an Australian win, even though no one would have blamed him for supporting the other side, given his French background), thanked us all for attending, and spoke about Hublot’s love…

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7 years ago