FRIDAY WIND DOWN: The barn find edition, how to hunt for valuable vintage and what to look out for

It was one of our most popular ‘who to follow’ posts ever. @barnfindwatches stepped up to the plate way back in 2017 to share some of his secrets as a master bargain hunter. His key takeaways are below, but before we get into them, let’s call out something important. The massive spike in traffic when the story went live revealed a truth that remains unchanged to this day. There is nothing quite like a barn find to light up a watch lover. Like a match to Indiana Jones’ methylated spirits-soaked torch in a cave, it ignites the mind. Visions of adventure. Riches. History. This was brought to the fore once again when Eric Ku, or @fumanku on Instagram, posted a picture from five years ago on his Facebook. While re-telling that story on social media, we asked about your own barn find wins. Our inbox was regaled with some absolute beauties, including this one, by @speedyfett So we thought we’d go one step further in the Friday Wind Down and extract some of the juiciest answers from @barnfindwatches’ interview, including some less obvious models to look out for, as well as his most epic barn find ever. Find a Q&A…

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4 years ago