FRIDAY WIND DOWN: To all the girls (and boys) who have written to us over the years …

Despite the temptation to re-tune our tiny violins and cry to the world that our virus numbers have skyrocketed and that we’re all on the brink of yet another endless day indoors, I’m going to flip this one to the positive and talk about the kinds of amazing, heartening and impressive letters and emails we get in here on a daily basis. Not every few days, or every few weeks. Every single day. It’s incredible. Please don’t stop. And if you’d like to start, do it here. (There is, as always, a standard and perpetual apology here to those who have not received a reply, please forgive me.)   So let me start this Friday Wind Down by addressing all who have ever taken the time to pen us a letter, or send an email. Be assured of this: we have not only read it. We have shared it. Forwarded it to other team members. Sometimes to family members and friends to say — see, we have real people! See, my job matters! But in all seriousness, it’s usually to say, look at this effing cool letter we just received. As for the complaints, we read them too. And yes, my mates have had…

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5 years ago