HANDS-ON: The Bausele Vintage 2.0 Hybrid SmartWatch blends past and present

Bausele Vintage 2.0 Hybrid SmartWatchFor many around the world, one of the unexpected side effects of a global pandemic is spending a lot more time on the couch watching Netflix. And if that’s something you can relate to, then you have probably watched (or at least been recommended to watch) The Social Dilemma, a documentary about the addictive elements of social media and how each platform is structurally designed to retain your attention. How is this related to the Bausele Vintage 2.0 Hybrid SmartWatch? Hear me out. While The Social Dilemma was not a catalyst for immediately deleting my social media accounts (I’d miss the #watchfam too much), it was cause for a moment of reflection as I watched the film with my phone in one hand, thumb scrolling through Instagram as a technology ethicist eloquently articulated the dangers of unchecked time spent using the very app I was on. Do I get too many notifications? Just how addicted to my phone am I? If you’ve asked yourself these questions in the past, then an additional screen on your wrist in the form of a smartwatch might not be the right thing for you. Another screen can be distracting, just offering another endless feed…

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4 years ago