HOW TO: Impress a woman with your watch

ImpressWomenWowFirstly, let’s not delude ourselves: your timepiece is going to impress more men than women. That’s a given. Unless of course it’s awful. If that’s the case, you’ll be slaying precisely no one – and also, how did you find your way to Time+Tide? However, there are a few ways you can maximise your chances of making an impression on the fairer sex with your choice of wristwear, at least a little. Listen carefully. Step 1: Choose something less obvious Less obvious than what? Less obvious than the one you’re most likely to choose, obviously. Because even though that un-aerodynamic chunk of metal on your wrist never fails to dazzle your mates and colleagues, it’s unwise to assume it’ll have a similar effect on the ladies. In the same way that we go for personality and intelligence over model-perfect looks in a life partner, we appreciate a watch that’s less in-your-face, more subtle, quietly capable. A dark horse rather than a show pony. Think along the lines of a more left-field brand, a vintage treasure or perhaps something customised. Step 2: Choose something totally obvious Don’t look at me like that. Yes, it’s confusing but get used to it, because it’s a woman’s prerogative…

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7 years ago