IN-DEPTH: The Apple Watch Series 5 review for people on the go

Apple Watch Series 5 reviewAs I mentioned in my video review of the Apple Watch Series 5, this isn’t the sort of watch that Time+Tide typically reviews. But since 2017, when the Series 2 was launched, the Apple Watch has made headline after headline as it sold millions of units and increasingly worried Swiss watch executives. This shifted the Apple Watch away from being just another piece of consumer electronics to a well-designed object that deserves the same level of scrutiny as a mechanical watch, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Apple Watch isn’t going anywhere, and while there are certainly positive impacts that it is having on the watch industry, it would be naive to think Apple isn’t playing hard to increase its share of wrist real estate at the expense of similarly priced mechanical watches. As Brendan noted in his analysis of Swiss watch export figures from 2019, the sales of Swiss watches under CHF 3000 are dropping sharply, while those more expensive than CHF 3000 are growing. This isn’t only caused by the Apple Watch, but there are some estimates the Apple Watch saw more than 30 per cent growth in sales in 2019 with no signs of slowing down…

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4 years ago