OPINION: An open letter to those that I’ve wrist stalked

To all the strangers on the streets, in the cafes, and just generally going about your own business … I have no shame in admitting that I am a wrist stalker. If you’re a regular reader, then chances are you’re one, too. We all do it. Some of us are just better than others and can pick a watch from across the room with only the hint of a bezel or a clasp. I’m not one to normally blow my own trumpet, but call me Louis Armstrong, because that’s me. Others, though, tend to get themselves into trouble, going for a peek at the most inopportune times – you know who you are. As a self-confessed (or maybe it’s crowned?) “pro” wrist stalker, I feel compelled to first apologise on behalf of those less-skilled individuals (they really need to read our handy guide on watch spotting). And then to say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry to everyone I’ve ever made feel uncomfortable while waiting for their morning coffee, or while innocently tapping away at their mobile phones. I’m sorry to anyone I’ve ever made a victim with my glaringly hot stare, as they politely walked past and my eyes tracked…

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7 years ago