FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 11th November, 2016 – the American greatness edition
Well, the unavoidable news this week is that Donald Trump is the President-elect of the United States – a surprise victory won on the back of a promise to ‘Make America Great Again’. Don’t worry – we won’t get all political on you. But we did feel this edition of the Wind Down was the perfect opportunity for a look at all that’s great about American watchmaking, past and present. And if you need a stiff drink to go with it, don’t let us stop you. In the nineteenth century, American watchmaking was on a par with the best the Swiss had on offer, with companies like Waltham, Hamilton, Elgin and Ball making high-quality, accurate timepieces on an industrial scale. While several of these great names – such as Ball and Hamilton – still exist, these days they’re made in Switzerland. Which isn’t to say that American watchmaking is purely a thing of the past. Brands like Kobold, RGM and Weiss are continuing this grand tradition, albeit on a much smaller scale. Perhaps a boost here could help make American watchmaking even greater? But it’s not easy. A while back the American Federal Trade Commission cracked down on deceptive marketing practices regarding ‘American Made’ claims.…
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