FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 4th November, 2016 – the British edition
Today’s wind down is a little bittersweet. Sweet because it’s an absolutely gorgeous day here in Melbourne, bitter because we have more than a light case of FOMO. Right now, despite the weather, we’d much rather be hanging out in rainy London with all the cool kids at Salon QP. But there’s no point getting all gloomy about it, instead we’re going to celebrate with the British edition of the Wind Down. What happened It’s the time of year when we start looking back over the year in watches, picking the winners and the worthy contenders. For most people, this taking stock is purely personal, for sites like ours that means the inevitable onslaught of ‘best-of’ lists, but for the industry it means awards! The hum around watchmaking’s night of nights, the GPHG is getting more intense as the ceremony is only a week or so off, but today we’d like to talk about a different sort of ceremony – Eve’s Watch. It’s the first ever women’s watch awards, and it went down recently in London (causing our first FOMO bout). What stood out to me was the quality of the shortlisted watches, and we heartily congratulate the Chanel Boy.Friend as the winning watch (you…
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